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Maps and Documents
Floor Plan
Price List
Guideline (How to book)
TOKYO BIG SIGHT Outside views

Outside view1

Outside view2

Outside view3

Outside view4

Outside view5

Outside view6

Outside view7

Outside view8

Outside view9

Outside view10

South Exhibition Halls Outside view
Exhibition Halls

East Exhibition Halls 1

East Exhibition Halls 1-3

East Exhibition Halls 4-5

East Exhibition Halls 7

East Exhibition Halls 8

West Exhibition Halls 2

West Exhibition Halls 4

South Exhibition Halls 1-2

South Exhibition Halls 3-4

Rooftop Exhibition Area

Conference Room

Conference Tower

Reception Hall

Reception Hall (half)

6F Conference Room (607+608)

1F Conference Room
Public Space


North Concourse

South Concourse

Connected Bridge

South Exhibition Halls Connecting Passage